1st Air Force Now |
A 30-minute quarterly newscast featuring stories about Air Guard News, produced by Tyndall AFB, FL. |
AFN Europe Report |
Daily news and information from the U.S. European Command produced by the American Forces Network Europe, Mannheim, Germany. |
All Hands TV |
An in-depth look at stories and issues relevant to the lives and careers of Sailors and Marines, produced monthly by the Naval Media Center. |
American Veteran, The |
The American Veteran is a half-hour video news magazine designed to inform veterans, their families and their communities about the services and benefits they have earned through their honorable service to America. |
Army Newswatch |
Bi-weekly report on the men and women of the Army – produced by Soldier's Radio and TV, Arlington, Virginia. |
Around the Air Force |
Daily newscast includes timely, topical news and information items that are relevant, valuable and useful to people interested in United States Air Force, its people, its programs and its military missions. |
Around the Services |
From the Pentagon Channel NewsCenter – daily half-hour program featuring military news from top Defense officials and the Military Services from around the world. |
Balad and Beyond |
A bi-weekly 30-minute news program which brings you stories from Joint Base Balad, Iraq, and from bases involved in the logistics mission all over Iraq. |
Battleground |
A Pentagon Channel original series featuring historic films from WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and more. |
Benning Report, The |
A 30 minute bi-weekly program by the Fort Benning Public Affairs office. The Benning Report features news concerning the local community from installation updates to the transition to the Maneuver Center of Excellence. |
Command Performance |
"Best of Command Performance" re-mixes favorite conversations with top musical acts into a half hour special.
Daily News Updates |
Daily updates of worldwide Navy and Marine Corps news – produced by the Naval Media Center, Washington, DC. |
DownRange |
The latest news from Iraq and Afghanistan affecting U.S. military members. |
EXchange On Air |
EXchange On Air invites Pentagon Channel viewers into the world of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Fun, relevant and informative, this monthly show tackles issues that face our armed service members and families everyday. |
Face Behind the File, The |
A series of special programs produced by the Department of Veterans Affairs, profiling veterans and their stories. |
Fit for Duty |
Fit for Duty takes viewers through a high-energy 30-minute workout led by servicemembers with expertise in fitness training. The show makes it simple to follow along and complete exercises demonstrated by the instructors. |
FNG (For New Guys) is a half-hour lifestyle show featuring useful benefits aimed at young troops new to the military. Viewers will learn about great low cost travel, cooking, assignments, electronics and many other command issues facing today's young military member. |
Freestyle Iraq |
"Freestyle Iraq is a lifestyle video news magazine set smack dab in the middle of a combat zone...yep, IRAQ! Driven by music, graphics, creative editing, excitement, and a little unconventional storytelling, the show focuses on the leisure activities, hobbies, and lifestyles of
Servicemembers while deployed. The stories are everything from fun to
informative from serious to cynical and packed with surprises. You'll laugh, you'll squirm, and you might even cry...but only from laughing.
This is Military Broadcasting at its most creative. By Servicemembers FOR Servicemembers. Work hard...play hard...stay hard! FREESTYLE IRAQ."
Ft Hood On Track |
A weekly 30 minute newscast produced by the III Corps Public Affairs office at Fort Hood, TX, including regular updates of "Cav Country" from the 1st Cavalry Division and "The Ironhorse Report" from the 4th Infantry Division. |
Grill Sergeants, The |
The Grill Sergeants, a Pentagon Channel original program, is a weekly, half-hour cooking show featuring some of the military's top chefs as they guide viewers through step-by-step menu preparation, along with important nutrition and food safety tips. |
Iraqi Freedom Minute |
A daily 60-second news brief from AFN-Iraq, providing the latest updates on Operation Iraqi Freedom. |
Live Events |
Whether it's a DoD briefing from the Pentagon, a satellite briefing from Baghdad, a town hall meeting around the globe or defense hearings on Capitol Hill, the Pentagon Channel airs it live in its entirety. We also make these events available via podcast and video on demand. |
Marines Headlines |
A weekly update on news and information from around the Marine Corps. |
Pacific Report |
Daily news and information about the military's largest command, the U.S. Pacific Command, from Alaska to Australia, and from Korea to Hawaii – produced by Yokota Regional News Center, Yokota Air Base, Japan. |
Pentagon Channel Reports |
One-minute news updates airing at the top of each hour. Produced by the Pentagon Channel News Room - these briefs keep viewers up to date on what's important with the Department of Defense. |
Recon |
Recon, an original Pentagon Channel series, is a monthly half-hour informational television program providing an in-depth look at real-world operations, missions, military events / history and other subjects highlighting the accomplishments of U.S. military men and women. |
Recon Revisited |
Recon Revisited, an original Pentagon Channel series, is a half-hour informational television program providing an in-depth look at real-world operations, missions, military events / history and other subjects highlighting the accomplishments of U.S. military men and women. |
Special Event Encore |
An encore presentation of a previously aired briefing, press conference, speech or other news maker. |
State Department Daily Briefing |
Daily media briefings from the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC. |
This Week in the Pentagon |
A weekly half hour update on the news coming out of the Pentagon, taking one topic each week and exploring it in-depth. |
Today's Air Force |
Weekly 30 minute newscast includes timely, topical news and information items that are relevant, valuable and useful to people interested in United States Air Force, its people, its programs and its military missions. |
Tour of Duty |
A 30 minute program highlighting a different military installation in each episode. |
USARJ This Week |
A weekly news program from U.S. Army Japan (USARJ) highlighting activities in the local military community. Produced by the U.S. Army Garrison-Japan public affairs office in Camp Zama, Japan. |
VA News |
A weekly 15 minute newscast from the Department of Veterans Affairs. |